Saturday, July 31, 2010

Me - audience of one with U.S. Rep. Boucher

July 31, 2010 - [photos above: Joanne and Rep. Boucher posing on the front steps; Joanne making a point to the Congressman; left VT intern Gretchen Jackson, Joanne, Rep. Boucher, resident innkeeper Liz Albitz.]

U.S. Congressman Rick Boucher was a guest at Clay Corner Inn last night, so guess who grabbed her tea and plunked down across the table at breakfast?? Yours truly, this small business owner/innkeeper!

He was attentive and gracious, whilst polishing off a baked egg (think: heavy cream, some Swiss cheese, herbs, oven baked, yum yum), which could have been served with ham, home fries and a fresh thyme biscuit. I think he declined a couple sides, in favor of a small dish of fresh fruit with some homemade granola and a spot of yogurt. But what he ate is insignificant compared to his understanding of small business being "the backbone of America" - his words. I expressed my concern about certain tax cuts expiring at the end of the year, the federal deficit and what I perceived as huge government not making an effort to reduce its expenses. I told him I figured if the government ran Clay Corner Inn, it would have a staff of 14 or 15 people doing what is now done by a superb core staff of 3 along with extra summer help and a second great Virginia Tech intern. [We're already missing you, Cory Johnson!]

To say I am pleased he stayed at Clay Corner Inn is an understatement. The only way our Congressional representatives can understand their constituents IS to rub elbows with them in their real worlds, patronize their businesses and share a breakfast table or cup of tea on a regular basis. So many in Washington, D.C., seem to have lost touch with the people they represent. I'm impressed that Rick Boucher seems to be keeping in touch. We applaud you, today, Congressman Boucher. [And we won't forget the evening glass of milk! :)] Joanne

Thursday, July 29, 2010

A little birthday bash

July 29, 2010 - Liz and Samantha have birthdays a few days apart, so we ordered this cake with the garden for Liz (left, our first resident gardener with her first vegetable garden) and coffee for Sam (right, our go-to gal for all things coffee). We all enjoyed lemon cake and the camaraderie of a small, impromptu staff gathering.

We support downtown Blacksburg by giving gift certificates to the downtown merchants for these occasions. Hokie parents can do the same thing for VT students! It's an easy gift and can be redeemed at several wonderful shops and restaurants. There are some hard working entrepreneurs downtown with not-your-run-of-the-mill merchandise. You can buy gift certificates by calling Downtown Blacksburg at 540-951-0454 or call us and we'll handle it for you. It doesn't even need to be a birthday; it can be a simple "we're thinking of you, son/daughter" gesture.

Happy Birthday, ladies! Thanks for all your hard work!! Joanne

Monday, July 19, 2010

Liz's Amazing Garden Adventure

July 19, 2010 – Being a novice gardener, part of me thought nothing would grow, but the other part wished it would flourish, leaving me with way too many vegetables to eat on my own. As of now, neither has happened, and I’ve harvested one cucumber and one zucchini. The zucchini was huge before I realized it was on the vine! Lightly sautéed in olive oil with summer squash from the Farmer’s Market made a wonderful vegetable dish.

My cucumber did not have as elegant a life. It was very small and as it grew larger, it turned yellow. I was not sure if I should have picked it when it was small and green, or if it would turn green again once it got larger. I left it on the vine and while it grew larger, it stayed yellow. After reading that a yellowing cucumber should not be left on the vine, I picked it. Surprisingly, it was quite tasty, once I peeled the tough skin. I’m going to look through some gardener books for beginners at the library so that I can learn when to pick the rest of the cucumbers. Or maybe you can advise!

This is the first ever vegetable garden at Clay Corner Inn, and the next two weeks were very productive! There are two more zucchinis and a ton of green tomatoes. My one pepper plant has the tiniest baby peppers on it with some white flowers. Sadly, my yellow squash plant and my other pepper plant are too close to the garage to get enough sun. I’ve lost the pepper plant, and the squash plant has not grown nearly as large as the zucchini. I’m hopeful that my garden will have a large harvest soon, and I’ll be able to share some vegetables with you. I’m also excited to have home-grown salads with the lettuce I’m getting from John’s garden!

I’m a regular at the Wed. and Sat. Blacksburg Farmer’s Market, as much as I can be around my responsibilities here at the inn. Since I have Wednesdays off, you’ll find me browsing all the produce and never leaving empty-handed. I’ll show you the way if you’re here on Wednesday – it’s an easy four-block walk. If you’re lucky enough to stay at Clay Corner Inn over the next few weeks – it’s really busy here now - you may have zucchini muffins with my very first home grown vegetables! Liz